Did you notice that The President of the United States happens to be a black guy?
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Dear Mr. Jacob Zuma
Friday, July 17, 2009
Spaar: 'n Riemtelegraaf

As dit nie vir Allan Gray was nie, het ek ook nie geweet dat Julie Spaar-maand in Suid-Afrika is nie. Blykbaar, is daar ook iets soos die Suid Afrikaanse Spaar Instituut. Dit is egter te verstane dat die Oktoberfest meer betekenis het as Bewahrenzeit as jy na die syfers kyk.
Suid-Afrika Spaar Nie
In 'n onlangse uitgawe van GrayIssue, skryf Rob Formby van Allan Gray Bate Bestuurders dat die spaarkoers van die land op 'n all-time low is.
Hoe meer verdien word, hoe minder gespaar word.
Friday, July 10, 2009
The Greater Depression
What new research is showing us
This week I received an interesting e-mail from Chris Botha of Stanlib Asset Managers. It was an astonishing chart that compare the World Industrial Output between the Great Depression of 1929 and our current state of affairs that started in April 2008.

I simply could not believe the similarities and set out to search for the source.
The authors of this chart turns out to be Barry Eichengreen, Professor of Economics and Political Science at the University of California (also a senior policy adviser at the IMF) and Kevin H. O'Rourke, Professor of Economics at the Trinity College in Dublin.
Friday, July 03, 2009
The Hot Hand Fallacy

Can you predict on which side the coin will fall looking at the following sequence: Heads (H) or Tails (T)
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