Friday, July 16, 2010
Ek is seker enige Suid-Afrikaner sal jou ure lank kan besig hou met staaltjies en stories van misdaad. In Afrika is dit omtrent so algemeen soos biltong en rugby. Verder sal ek bieg, was ek redelik vas oortuig dat meeste van die misdaad deur arm uitlanders en Nigeriese mafia-sindikate gepleeg word.
Hierdie week is ek egter stomgeslaan om vas te stel dat twee wit manne in alle waarskynlikheid sal kan help met die oplos van twee huisbrake in ons kompleks.
Ons CCTV wys duidelik hoe 'n BMW M3 om 10:42 by ons kompleks inry, nadat 'n inwoner uitgery het. Veertig minute later, ry die BMW weer uit by die hek, nadat hulle die opsigter se vrou vra om vir hulle oop te maak.
Net na 12:00 kom Tania by die huis en die plek is besteel.
Wat vir ons egter snaaks is, is die man (sien foto) wat kom rondstaan by die hek terwyl die BMW in die komplek is.
Waarom staan hy so rond? (Een ou meen hy is 'n plaveisel inspekteur :-) En die man hoef mos nie so sku te wees vir die kamera nie? En dan (lyk dit my) dink hy dink dit begin reen, want hy sit sy kappie op. Of was dit dalk die son?
Hierdie is die tipe vrae wat die Polisie graag aan die man sal wil stel. Hulle dink hy is net die regte persoon om mee te gesels omdat hy presies die tyd van die diefstal daar kom rondkrap het. Die probleem is egter, hy bly nie in ons kompleks nie, en niemand ken hom nie - maar wee o wee die weduwee - gelukkig is daar die internet.
Ons wend ons dus tot die w.w.w. en het die 60 sekonde CCTV video op YouTube gepubliseer in die hoop dat hy homself sal raaksien en straks die polisie bel, of dat sy ma vir hom kan se iemand soek hom.
Hoe dit ook al sy, daar is by twee huise ingebreek. 'n Beide gevalle is net die LCD TV's, Playstations en Laptops gesteel. In beide gevalle (het ons toe nou daardie aand agtergekom) het ons duur luidsprekers en klanktoerusting by dieslefde winkel in die Centurion Mall gekoop.
Nou hoe op aarde gebeur dit?
Ons werk hard aan hierdie probleem, en sal almal op hoogte hou van sake. Ons vra egter dat jy die e-pos sal aanstuur vir jou vriende in Gauteng, want ek twyfel of die perd van Zimbabwe is.
*Naskirf: Moet nou nie probeer om die kerels self vas te trek nie, Suid-Afrika is 'n gevaarlike plek. Bel vir speurder Selolo op 083 694 3908 of Lyttelton Polisie op 012 644 8600. Ons verwysingsnommer is CAS 324/7/2010.
Net 'n laaste woord van waardering aan die SAP manne. Hulle was binne een uur hier, twee uur later die speurder gestuur, en die volgende dag die meisie van die vinger- afdrukke. Soos dinge nou loop, staan die saak vinnig einde se kant toe.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Documentary of Warren Buffet
You all know that I am a big fan of Mr. Warren Buffet. He’s investment rules are simple to understand but nevertheless tough to follow. Many however, would not read through the 900 odd pages of his biography, ‘The Snowball: Warren Buffet and the business of life’ written by Alice Schroeder.
Fortunate there is now is an effortless option. Evan Davis of the BBC has produced a short film based of the world’s most successful investor. The first of this six part series is on our facebook fanpage. It features the down-to-earth world of billionaire Buffet. Whether you have never heard of the man or have read all he’s annual reports, this documentary will give you an unique insight into he’s life. It’s an entertaining as well as educational tour of the principles of successful investing.
I have also took the liberty to load the second instalment of the film on the Amedco fan page who features Mr. Charlie Munger, Warren’s long time partner.
PS: Remember to become a facebook supporter of Amedco to ensure you receive all the most interesting things regarding financial matters.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Warren Buffet's 2010 Letter to Shareholders
This is one of the "must read's" of the year.
The Annual Letter to Shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway written by Warren Buffet.
The 2010 letter was just released and if you have never treated yourself to this well written and easy to understand annual report by the world's now 3rd wealthiest individual, is the time.
It is 19 pages, with financial stuff here and there but worth the hour spent.
Read it here
The World's Richest, and it's not Bill
An interesting week if you had your eye on being the wealthiest person in the world. Only for the 2nd time since 1995, Bill Gates is not at the top of the annual Forbes' list of richest , released this morning.
Carlos Slim, Mexican telecoms tycoon came in at number one. He's net worth is a staggering $53.5 billion.
Bill is not that far behind at $53 billion. Only $500 million separates him and the first non-American to top the list since 1994.
All could change with a 3.4% increase in Microsoft's share price. But who keeps score?
Warren Buffet is in 3rd place with a net asset value of $47 billion. To put this in perspective: The South African Government collected $88.5 billion in the previous fiscal year.
Some interesting facts on this year's list:
Carlos Slim, Mexican telecoms tycoon came in at number one. He's net worth is a staggering $53.5 billion.
Bill is not that far behind at $53 billion. Only $500 million separates him and the first non-American to top the list since 1994.
All could change with a 3.4% increase in Microsoft's share price. But who keeps score?
Warren Buffet is in 3rd place with a net asset value of $47 billion. To put this in perspective: The South African Government collected $88.5 billion in the previous fiscal year.
Some interesting facts on this year's list:
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