Monday, October 24, 2011

Amedco invites you to join on Facebook

Hi there!
Amedco is proud to invite you to be part of a revolutionary project. It is called and if you have dreams to share, then is for you.
For now, the actual site is under development, but that does not mean we cannot start having fun.
What will be is still our secret, but suffice to say that anyone who feels between 16 and 35 will want to be part of the revolution. Travel. Music. Parties. Photo's
In the mean time though, we thought you might be interested in something cool.
Go to our facebook page. A few things await you:
  1. Listen to Foster the People, Pumped up Kicks
  2. Submit a black and white photo before tomorrow midnight and stand a chance to win cool Aerial7 Tank Midnight hearphones worth R900. (you may also e-mail your cell pic to
  3. Just like the page and be informed.
All the best for the week!
PS. Don't worry, we are still in the investment business, just without the tie.